Magog: Unguarded
Magog: Unguarded
Swarming Around... cats living with dogs... total chaos.

Monday, March 24, 2003

I was feeling guilty this evening with my impatience with the war coverage, as much of it seems to be dwelling on the coalition setbacks (the two Black Hawks down, the POWs taken over the weekend, etc). It seems a little curious that these stories are being hammered home while interspersed with messages that the troops are driving closer and closer to Baghdad. Something must be going right. Right? No one wants to dismiss the troublesome image of captured POWs or forget the casualties that have been suffered, but it IS a war, is it not? No one, despite the ex post facto reports from most mainstream media outlets, thought this was going to be easy. However, reading this lends some credence to my growing suspicion of the coverage. This is my favorite part:
Saturday, March 22: In the morning, ABC reporter Chris Cuomo (son of the former New York Governor Mario Cuomo) picked up where Jennings left off. Previewing new protests, he insisted that anti-war activists represented more than the tiny fraction of the country that shares their views: “In American history, protests like this have been prescient indicators of the national mood, so the government may do well to listen to what’s said today.”

With 7 out of 10 Americans supporting the war at this juncture, one wonders exactly how these are "prescient indicators of the national mood." In fact, if if Cuomo wants to find a historical reference, he will have to search deeper than the Vietnam war (to which he was undoubtedly referring). After so many well-documented protests of that conflict, after all, how did warmonger Richard Nixon manage to win the 1972 presidential election in a landslide?

posted by the wolf | 9:42 PM
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