Magog: Unguarded
Magog: Unguarded
Swarming Around... cats living with dogs... total chaos.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Scientists have discovered a mouse with a genetic mutation that allows it to fight off cancer.

Researchers discovered by accident a mouse that had a genetic mutation that enabled it to remain cancer-free even after injections of a cancer cell that normally causes rapid and widespread tumors in mice, Dr. Mark Willingham, a pathologist at Wake Forest University and a co-author of the study, told United Press International.
"We can inject millions of cancer cells and within one day they have killed all of the cells," Willingham said. "We never had a clue the immune system could be this selective and powerful before we ran into this mouse," he said.

It would really be something, if they could figure this out. Too bad this stuff takes so long.

posted by Max Power | 9:26 AM
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